Dyslexia: Positively Unique!

October 6, 2015

The Dyslexic Dyslexia ConsultantDyslexia Awareness Week 2015: Day 2

Tuesday 6th October 2015.

Allow me to introduce to you the second of my seven, 2015 fabulous dyslexics!
Each dyslexia awareness week (starting last year) I intend to feature 7 of my favourite inspirational dyslexics form the past year: I ask them a set of questions (slightly adjusted depending on age and occupation) to which they provide the answers.

I hope you find their answers as interesting and enjoyable and that they inspire you as they have me!

My day 2 Positively Unique local dyslexic is a fabulous young lady who has an abundance of talent: she is also a Dyslexia information Day Young Volunteer, and is never short of a smile or a creative idea, she is an absolute delight!

Dyslexia: Positively Unique!

Elizabeth at Dyslexia information day 13

Name: Elizabeth

Age: 12

Occupation: Student

What would you like to be when you grow up? : Textile and Art Teacher

When did you find out you were dyslexic? : Age aprox. 7

How did you feel when you found out you were dyslexic? : I think I was shocked but then it all made sense why I had been struggling at school.

What difference has it made, if any, to your life since you found out? : Learning has been easier since I’ve had support, and I feel more confident.

What advice would you offer to other dyslexics? : Work hard and persevere and you will get to where you want to be in the end.

What do you do to relax/what are your hobbies? : I love doing art, making things, watching films, swimming, badminton – but not reading books!

Anything you want to add? : I quite like being different from everybody else! 🙂

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